Love, Joy, Peace...

Meet Our Pastor Eric Hansen

I grew up as the son of rural dairy farmers in Kiel, Wisconsin. Life on a farm and many years of schooling instilled in me a strong sense of work ethic and integrity. I am the type of guy who will do his best to be there for you as an ear to listen or a hand to help.

I have been blessed to share Jesus in a variety of ways. First, as part of a small rural church community in Kiel, WI, an inner city/urban setting in Milwaukee, WI, and secondly as part of a very large active and dynamic ministry in Green Bay, WI. Through these life experiences I take the greatest joy in those “light bulb” moments – when people’s faces light up as they understand God’s Word.

Family is a big part of my life. I enjoy exploring God’s amazing world with my wife Heidi and 3 children – Elliot, Emma, and Toby. Heidi was born in Minnesota, she is the daughter of a pastor and a teacher. She grew up in many places, including Rhode Island, Antigua (a Caribbean Island), Florida, and Milwaukee. She lived through a lot of sunshine, a large hurricane, and Wisconsin winters. Heidi’s greatest passion is sharing Jesus’ love in an Early Childhood setting.

When not at work or spending time with my family I like to tinker with, repair, and fix all sorts of things, such as cars, the house, the yard, and computers. You also might catch me cruising around on my dirt bike.

My education background includes Bachelor of Arts from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN and a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, WI.

We want as many people as possible to know Jesus and know his love poured out on a cross and his power that changes lives. I would like to personally invite you to join us this Sunday and bring a friend! There is a lot to celebrate, let’s praise the Lord!




Meet Our Pastor Ben Zak

I grew up in the Midwest in a loving Christian home. After a period of wandering and an overall lack of purpose in my life, God graciously rescued me. He instilled in me a desire to read the Bible in community with others. He filled my life with a new sense of purpose and energy that I did not have before. I wanted others to enjoy the gifts that I was enjoying so I decided to study for pastoral ministry.

Throughout my pastoral journey, I’ve served in a multi-ethnic ministry in Falls Church, VA; a unique and faith-forming ministry in North Fort Myers, FL; and a traditional and youth-focused ministry in Milwaukee, WI.

I’m interested in equipping others to read the Bible as a narrative which reaches its climax in the account of Jesus of Nazareth. My responsibility as a pastor is to discern and analyze culture according to the kingdom of God. By life-example and by preaching, my role is to direct others to live as though they are actually forgiven and called to suffer for the benefit of their neighbor.

Pastor Zak holds a Bachelor of Arts from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN. He holds a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, WI.

Janna is my adventurous and encouraging wife. We are blessed with four children.

Crown of Life
5939 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA 92506
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